Jiqun Chen art show

About the collection


Artist Biography     

Chen Jiqun nomadic between painting and environmental protection


All paintings

Echoing Steppe Art Show in order of creation time

Works that still exist are sorted by number       

Sold & collected paintings by number


Exhibition review 1992-2024

Art shows in Malaysia.     Sketching works in Malaysia

Art shows in Hang Kang.

Art shows in Beijing.

... ...


   (View existing paintings by category) :

Landscape Portraits nude painting Animal Draw location



  (sold & collected paintings 1986-2016) 

No.01-25 No.26-50 No.51-75 No.76-100 No.101-125 No.126 - 150 No.151 - 175 No.176 - 200 No.201 - 225 No.226 - 250




Background: Steppe grassland and nomadic culture

about artist

Scan the QR code and listen to the Wuzhumuqi Flag song:


Scan the QR code and listen to the song of Nailin Gole song :



art exhibition,    at Malaysia,    at Hong Kong,    at Beijing ...


Collect artworks of  Jiqun Chen


    Most of my work has come out of here since 1967:





The Art Show

Revival of Steppe - Chen Jiqun & Jinba.Jimusu & Saihanna Art Show
Exhibition Dates: 1st  - 15th / October 2003


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Original fine art, Style the Rivulet of Steppe by Jiqun Chen 

300 x 110

E-mail : jiqunchen_cn@hotmail.com

Thank you.

Jiqun Chen




E-mail 163art@163.com

Tel:   +86  18910771197


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